Our Code of Ethics

With Prestige, Customer satisfaction is our number one goal!

Build Trust and Credibility

Trus must be earned, never just blindly given.

The success of our business is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our employees and customers. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and reaching company goals solely through honorable conduct. It is easy to say what we must do, but the proof is in our actions. Ultimately, we will be judged on what we do. When considering any action, it is wise to ask: will this build trust and credibility for Prestige Pool? Will it help create a working environment in which Prestige Pool can succeed over the long term? Is the commitment I am making one I can follow through with? The only way we will maximize trust and credibility is by answering “yes” to those questions and by working every day to build our trust and credibility.

Respect for the Individual

Do unto Others?

We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated with dignity and respect. Prestiege Pool Servises is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the full potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to our business success. We cannot afford to let anyone’s talents go to waste. Prestige Pool Services is an equal employment/affirmative action employer and is committed to providing a workplace that is free of discrimination of all types from abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. Any employee who feels harassed or discriminated against should report the incident to his or her boss.


Competition is healthy if handled correctly.

We are dedicated to ethical, fair and vigorous competition. We will sell our services based on their merit, superior quality, functionality and competitive pricing. We will make independent pricing and marketing decisions and will not improperly cooperate or coordinate our activities with our competitors. We will not offer or solicit improper payments or gratuities in connection with the purchase of goods or services for Prestige Pool or the sales of its products or services, nor will we engage or assist in unlawful boycotts of particular customers.